Monday, November 22, 2004

stop cold

awalilah hari mu dengan obat flu...dan rasakan akibatnya. gila,ngantuk terus ampe malem . buset dah (hehehe,betawi banget :) )jaga rumah sendirian..nonton tipi ada yg asik.payah!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

i was brougth to my senses

Alone with my thoughts this evening
I walked on the banks of Tyne
I wondered how I could win you
Or if I could make you mine
Or if I could make you mine

The wind it was so insistent
With tales of a stormy south
But when I spied two birds in a sycamore tree
There came a dryness in my mouth
Came a dryness in my mouth
For then without rhyme or reason
The two birds did rise up to fly
And where the two birds were flying
I swear I saw you and I
I swear I saw you and I


(sting -mercury falling- )

Friday, November 12, 2004


hah!!!! pagi-pagi dah berkutat dengan server, internet dan segala macamnya.... fiuhhh... dah tumpul ni..lambat banget.masa setup server aja dah lupa. sempet panik karena billing system ga jalan..heheheh,tp dengan berkat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan sebuah permen rasa jagung,akhirnya terselesaikanlah dengan baik...emang mesti sering ngerjain ya,biar ga lupa....
ket,kamu lagi apa? sibuk kah? ko dah posting lagi ya?hehehehe...ntar sore jadi ya...

Monday, November 08, 2004


gila ni warnet..panas ada acnya..pake kipas ga nolong ni...fiuh..

tiup dan tiup terus...:) Posted by Hello

foto diri Posted by Hello


hari senen...mau ke pramuka..liat tensi...